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Water-cooling methods and release requirements for direct feed wire drawing machines

Straight into the wire drawing machine is the current wire drawing machine equipment in the efficiency of good products, drawn wire quality, cooling. Is a very large sales volume of a product, the advantages of straight into the wire drawing machine is high production efficiency, low production costs, wire standards are very high, by the drawing of the enterprise’s favorite.

Straight into the wire drawing machine in the production process is mainly composed of payoff equipment, drawing equipment and receiving equipment. Unwinding equipment consists of two duckbill-type large-disk unwinding mechanism, each large load-bearing up to 2.5 tons. When in use, the tail of the wire of one disk of blanks being used is connected with the head of the wire of another spare blank, and when the blank being used is exhausted, it will be automatically transferred to another disk, realizing non-stop wire releasing.

The direct-entry drawing unit is also equipped with a heavy-duty I-beam wheel unwinding device to meet different unwinding requirements. Drawing equipment is composed of nine dry drawing units, in order to facilitate the release of large heavy-duty I-beam wheels have enough time to change the disk, do not have to stop to change the wheel, will be a drawing unit is designed for the pulley type, the rest are straight into the type.

Straight into the type of drawing machine mold is mainly used is forced water-cooled way, so that to a certain extent to be able to take away the heat in a short period of time, high-speed drawing when the mold hardness. That is to say, effective cooling, is one of the prerequisites for the realization of high-speed drawing.

Straight into the wire drawing machine take-up part, then at the same time can meet the I wheel large disk heavy take-up, wire frame large disk heavy take-up, ordinary small disk bundling compatible. In practice, this direct-entry wire drawing machine can also be switched at any time in accordance with different take-up requirements, improving work efficiency.

Some tips for direct feed wire drawing machine

1. How to check whether the direct feed wire drawing machine is matched with the motor? The main thing is to look at the specific model of the wire drawing machine as well as the product specifications.

2. What are the requirements of a diameter wire drawing machine for the operator? Diameter type wire drawing machine has certain requirements for the operation of the mechanic, so as to avoid blind or incorrect operation, thereby damaging the machine and equipment or even causing personal injury.

3. How often do I need to maintain the Diameter Drawing Machine? Straight into the wire drawing machine warranty plays a very important role in the life of the equipment, generally once a month. Stop the machine first and then proceed.

Post time: Dec-07-2023